Virtual exchanges are options to qualify the curriculum | Universidade Feevale

Virtual exchanges are options to qualify the curriculum

05/07/2021 - Atualizado 10h46min

Activities offer international experiences to Feevale University students

curriculo opções intercambio

In order to offer academics an international experience, Feevale University conducts virtual undergraduate exchanges in six countries. The experience allows the student to study at an international institution associated with Feevale and use the credits of the subjects taken at the University.

About 300 students have already had the opportunity to experience a new culture, socialize with people from other nationalities, and improve a foreign language. Elizabeth Heberle, academic of the Foreign Trade course, participated in three virtual exchanges offered by Feevale's international partner institutions. “It was extremely enriching for me, not only for the experience we had in applying the circular economy theory in a company making choices, but also for the number of connections I have made. I have met people from different countries and was able, over the eight weeks of the course, to connect with different cultures, preferences, and time zones”, highlights the student.

According to the Director of International and Institutional Affairs at Feevale University, Paula Casari Cundari, the institution is present in 30 countries through partnerships with qualified universities that offer a wide range of disciplines in all areas of knowledge.

Students can complete the study plan with subjects that are not being offered by the course during that semester, participate in multicultural classes, improve fluency in a foreign language, and have a subject studied abroad validated, among other opportunities”, emphasizes Paula.

New experiences

Universidad Uniminuto, in Colombia, Universidad St. Tomás, in Chile, and Universidad de la República, in Uruguay, are now open for new students interested in studying foreign subjects. As in the face-to-face graduation exchanges, in the virtual exchange, the student can also validate the credits of the courses taken at Feevale. More information about the opportunities can be obtained by emailing or by visiting the website


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