Studies on food and culture in RS will be presented in Europe | Universidade Feevale

Studies on food and culture in RS will be presented in Europe

03/05/2016 - Atualizado 04/05/2016 12h29min
Feevale University professors attend events on food and tradition at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal

Feevale University professors at the postgraduate program in Cultural Expressions and Processes, Magna Lima Magalhães and Claudia Schemes are going to represent the institution in two events in Portugal. The Third Seminar on food and traditional cultural expressions and the II International Seminar on food and culture: tradition and innovation in the production will take place from 24 to 27 this month at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) in Vila Real. Check out the work that will be presented:
Pela graça de Nossa Senhora do Rosário: o pagamento de promessa dos Teixeiras em Mostardas (Brazil/RS) - The work is the result of the research conducted by Andrea Witt, guided by professor Magna. The student defended the thesis earlier this year and now, being a master, will present the research along with her professor. The study analyzed the community of Teixeiras, remnants of quilombos, located in Mostardas, and the Ensaio de Pagamento de Promessas de Quicumbi, catholic African-Brazilian ritual that preserves the past and serves as a collective identity renewal element.
Identidades gastronômicas: a imigração alemã no Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil e suas contribuições –  Article written by graduate student Daniel Luciano da Silva and professors Cleber Cristiano Prodanov and Claudia Schemes, seeks to understand how the eating habits of a society can contribute to the formation of its cultural identity. A brief history of German immigration in the Vale dos Sinos will be presented, trying to demonstrate how the food is intrinsically linked to the cultural identity of a region colonized by Europeans of Germanic origin.

Identidade, cultura e alimentação: interfaces discursivas no manual do Slow Food Brasil –  Article written by the doctorate student Gislene Feiten Haubrich and professors Claudia Schemes and Ernani Cesar de Freitas, deals with the issue of involvement of dietary practices to the cultural representation systems and aims to identify elements staged by Slow Food Movement in its speech act prescribed in "Brazil Slow Food Manual".

Comida como cultura: a festa de Nossa Senhora do Rosário em Faria Lemos - Bento Gonçalves - South Brazil - In this article, professors Hosanna Maria Speranza Cimadon, Cleber Cristiano Prodanov and Claudia Schemes analyze the role played by food in our Nossa Senhora do Rosário’s party, in Faria Lemos district in Bento Gonçalves, in Rio Grande do Sul. This festival, which takes place since 1898 and is embedded in a region colonized by Italian immigrants, has a strong presence of the Italian tradition in the food preparation and the incorporation of local elements. The study also seeks to demonstrate how food played a key role in setting up a local identity.


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