21/05/2015 - Atualizado 13h55min
Feevale University becomes part of the Park and takes new position in the market towards innovation and creativity.
Ten years after it was opened, Valetec (Vale do Sinos Technology Park) changes its name and takes a new position in the market. The new name is Feevale Techpark and the Park is associated to Feevale University and to the regional productive system.
The new change includes a new unit that is located on Feevale´s Campus II, in Novo Hamburgo. The new companies established at the park will help undergraduates get into the job market, allowing new sharing of ideas, projects and experiences. Also, the institution will create a hub system in order to connect diverse areas of knowledge among companies, society and academic community.
Feevale University will increase its participation at the unit located in Campo Bom, by broadening its teaching activities, researches, and services combined with the experience of associated companies. In Campo Bom, there is a Medical and Dental Services Cluster. FK Biotecnologia and Bhio Supply have just joined the technological park. Both are awarded companies for the development of new technologies and innovations.
The new goal of Feevale Techpark is to attract international enterprises that will contribute to foster the local competitiveness and to create companies called born global firms, these companies, from their beginnings, have their focus directed to international business.
Feevale University also intends to boost the development of spin-off companies, which are firms resulting of research projects or of technological knowledge. In addition, strategic projects with national and international investments will be provided, allowing a great socio-economic impact and to contribute to a better quality of life of the population of the region.
" Feevale University has, along its 45 years of activity, taken an extremely important role in the economic and social development of Rio Grande do Sul, the restructuring of Valetec / Hamburgtec system at Feevale Techpark will provide significant advance in the management and development of sectors linked to the creative economy. The concept of collaboration / sharing among university, government and private sector will be taken to the best of its outcome, promoting ideas and innovative solutions to society. "
Luiz Ricardo Bohrer, president of Associação Pró-Ensino Superior (Aspeur),in Novo Hamburgo ,sponsor of Feevale University.
"The repositioning of the Technology Park of Vale do Sinos, which is now to be called Feevale Techpark, meets our strategic and institutional goals, to focus even more on innovation, creativity and excellence. We want to encourage our students to be entrepreneurs and for that, we focus a lot on partnerships between Feevale University and public and private organizations, at national or international spheres. I'm sure the changes will increase the economy of our region in the medium and long term, thus contributing to building new futures. "
Inajara Vargas Ramos, Feevale’s Rector
"The issue is not just having a new brand or a new name. The important thing is that now this new name marks the repositioning of both the park image and its convergence with the University. We have the University and the Park in one action for development and innovation. The park has become an important element of this economic and technological transformation of Vale dos Sinos, with Feevale’s support. "
Cleber Cristiano Prodanov, Feevale’s pro-rector of Innovation