Feevale’s Cultural Hall calls for the event of International Art | Universidade Feevale

Feevale’s Cultural Hall calls for the event of International Art

03/05/2017 - Atualizado 13h59min

Artists from Brazil and abroad are welcome to submit their work until August 21st

Feevale’s Cultural Hall in partnership with the Tutorial Educational Program, known as PET, are calling for the international event named (NO)Boundaries, for the submission of visual poetry works. The action is part of the activities to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the exhibition hall, located on the fourth floor of Feevale’s Theater, at Feevale University Campus II. 

Anyone interested in the event may send, by mail, a poetry work under the theme (NO) Boundaries, free-format, as a visual poem, poem letter, postcard poem, concrete poetry, among other poem work formats. The works will be accepted under different techniques, such as text, painting, drawing, collage, sewing, printing, photography, etc.

According to the Coordinator of Feevale’s Cultural Hall, professor Anderson Luiz de Souza, each participant can address the issue under the most pertinent considered matter. "It might be whatever the artist means by visual poetry, because the idea is that barriers may be destroyed and boundaries dissolved," he explains.

The works can be sent to the address of Feevale’s Theater to August 21st. There will not be a selection, as well as there will not be the return of the works. All received works will make part of a digital catalogue and an exhibition at Feevale’s Cultural Hall, scheduled to take place from September 4th to November 5th this year.

Call for the event (NO)Boundaries 
Format: Free 
Technique Required: FREE (the material will have to be sent by mail)
Deadline: August 21st
Address: Feevale’s Theater (Cultural Hall) – Road ERS-239, 2755, Campus II – Feevale University - Zip Code: 93548-48 – Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
*The artist’s name and last name must be labeled, besides the city, country, e-mail and the title: (NO) Boudaries
For more information, you may call +55 51 3586-8800, extension 9235, or e-mail us to espacocultural@feevale.br
Feevale’s Cultural Hall Coordinator: Anderson Luiz de Souza
Tutorial Educational Program (PET) Coordinator: Daniel Conte

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