Events | Universidade Feevale




October 21 to 26 

Reception for new students | Stricto Sensu Postgraduate

August 15 – Espaço Cosmos, prédio Vermelho, Câmpus II

Inaugural Class Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program 2019/02

06 June  – Auditório do prédio Azul, Campus II

WORTH INCLUDING - Diversities & Inclusion 

June 6 - Salão de Exposições do Prédio Arenito

Reception for new students | Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program 2019/01

March 15 - Espaço Cosmos, prédio Vermelho, Câmpus II



October 22 to 27


October 03 to 05


August 29 to 31 

Inaugural Class Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program 2018/02

August 23 – Espaço Cosmos, prédio Vermelho, Câmpus II

Democracy, human rights and diversity in Brazil: comparative approaches

Lecturers: Prof. Dr Kirk A. Buckman (Stonehill College, EUA), Prof.ª Dr.ª Andrea Marie Duarte (Stonehill College, EUA), Prof. Dr. Gabriel Edelwein da Silveira (Federal University of Picos, Piauí), Prof.ª Dr.ª Denise Quaresma da Silva (Feevale University) e Prof. Dr. Everton dos Santos (Feevale University)
July 05, 06, 12 and 13, 2018 – Auditorium 404, prédio Lilás, Câmpus II

Inaugural Class Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program 2018/01

March 22 - Room 201, prédio Arenito, Câmpus II


Singing and piano recital: timelessness of love

Soprano Ana Claudia Specht and Pianist Elda Pires
December 8 - Auditorium Adão Adolfo Schmitt – NH

II Week of Human Rights 

November 13 to 18 

Lecture: Crisis scenarios and educational urgencies: possibilities from social education on the horizon of popular struggles

Professors Dr. José Leonardo Rolim de Lima Severo and Prof. Dr. Érico Ribas Machado
October 23 - Salão de Atos - Câmpus I

Inovamundi | Postgraduate Seminar  

October 16 to 21 

Inaugural Class Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program 2017/02 

September 14 – Room 201, Prédio Arenito - Câmpus II

Lecture: Sensebooks Multisenrorial Books  

Lecturer Célia Maria Sousa

September 14 –Câmpus II

Inaugural Class Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program 2017/01 

April 06 – Room 201, Prédio Arenito - Câmpus II


Research Lines Seminar

June 30 – Rooms 305, 309 and 310, Prédio Bicolor - Câmpus II

The challenges of Post-graduation: from training to publication 

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Leonardo José Gil Barcellos
June – Auditorium Prédio Branco - Câmpus II

Inaugural Class Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program

Lecturer: Dr. Abílio Afonso Baeta Neves
April 28 – Auditorium Prédio Azul - Câmpus II

Brazil. The Political Culture of an Unresolved Democracy Ministrante: Francisco Ferraz

March 17 – Auditorium Prédio Branco - Câmpus II


Losses and Gains of Successful Aging: Experiences from Finland and Brazil

Lecturers: Prof.ª Dr.ª Päivi Sanerma, Dr. João Senger, Martin Henkel and Alessandro Jacoby 
December 17 – Auditorium 200B, Prédio Lilás - Câmpus II

Evasion Landscapes, Biodiversity Conservation and Urban Imaginary: The Case of the Grove Rodrigues Alves in the city of Belém (PA)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Flávio Leonel Abreu da Silveira
December 04 – Auditorium 200B, Prédio Lilás - Câmpus II

Landscapes and Museums, Between “The Soul of Things” and the Reification of the Museum Object, Reflecting on the Missionary Case

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Flávio Leonel Abreu da Silveira
December 03 – Auditorium 200B, Prédio Lilás - Câmpus II

Teacher Researcher Day 

July 08 – Salão de Atos - Câmpus II

Denunciations, Facts, and Rumors: The Street Population and the Performative Production of Rights

Lecturer: Prof.ª Dr.ª Patrice Schuch
May 28 – Auditorium 200B, Prédio Lilás - Câmpus II

ll Seminar of the Research Line Languages and Technologies

May 27 – Room 105, Prédio Bicolor - Câmpus II

Inaugural Class Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Bahuschewskyj Corrêa and Prof. Dr. André Rafael Weyermüller
April 23 – Auditorium Prédio Azul - Câmpus II


III Seminar Child in the Media: Children of the Consumer Society

October 02 – Salão de Atos - Câmpus II

Inaugural Class Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion and the Academic Master in Cultural Processes and Demonstrations - Exclusion and Diversity

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hélio R. S. Silva
April 03 – Auditorium Prédio Branco - Câmpus II


Lecture: La Investigación en Comunicación y Deporte. Una Visión Multidisciplinar.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Joaquím Marín Montín
August 15 – Auditorium Prédio Multicolor - Câmpus II

Inaugural Class Strictu Sensu Postgraduate Program | Internationalization of Research and Postgraduate Studies

Lecturer: Prof.ª Dr.ª Carmen Rial
April 10 – Auditorium Prédio Multicolor - Câmpus II

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