Special Students | Universidade Feevale

Special Students

A special student is considered to be a student who, upon request, enrolls in course subjects without regular ties. Your entry will be after the approval of your request by the Course Coordination Commission.

The special student may receive a certificate of attendance and achievement, if approved.

Note: Moving to regular status requires approval in the selection process.

Required Documents

  • Copy of the undergraduate diploma;
  • Copy of graduation history;
  • Copy of Lattes Curriculum;
  • Copy of ID, CPF and birth certificate;
  • Proof of address.


1 Credit R$ 2,312.87
Course of 3 credits: R$ 6,938.61
Course of 4 credits: R$ 9,251.48

Up to 6 installments
The collection will be made through bank slip, from the month following the signing of the contract.


Fale com a Feevale

Fale com a Feevale através do e-mail falecomafeevale@feevale.br ou através do nosso formulário de contato.

Atendimento Feevale

Confira os horários de atendimento da Universidade Feevale e agende o seu atendimento.


Fale com a ouvidoria da Universidade Feevale através do e-mail ouvidoria@feevale.br ou através do nosso formulário de contato.