Master’s Degree in Psychology | Universidade Feevale

About the course

The Academic master’s degree in psychology aims to train qualified Psychology graduates, with scientific and didactic skills as well as reflective, critical and creative capabilities. Professionals who shall contribute to social transformation in different contexts, deepening scientific knowledge about social and mental health phenomena throughout the life cycles.


Departing from a conception of the human as a result of a historical, social and cultural construction, this Master's degree integrates studies in social and health psychology, focusing on the articulation of mental health with psychosocial processes throughout the life cycle, based on the fact that subjects develop continuously and in a wide contextual diversity. The area addresses theoretical-methodological aspects in order to build bases for a reflexive and critical view in teaching and research in Psychology. In order to account for this proposal, two research lines have been created. Both share a common concern with the training of professionals who work in prevention and health promotion in different social contexts, differing in that they have specific focuses of studies and proposals for actions. The research lines, therefore, as they are designed, seek to dialogue and articulate the areas of social psychology and health psychology, without, however, overlapping concepts or intervention strategies.


  • Prepare students for teaching and research activities in Psychology, providing advances in theoretical and practical perspectives relevant to the development of the area;
  • Develop reflections and actions about development processes and their contexts with a view to promoting mental health and quality of life;
  • Develop reflections and actions about psychosocial processes and contexts of vulnerability with a view to contributing to their overcoming;
  • Generate and share knowledge that prioritize the design of good and novel research, teaching and extension practices;
  • Prepare students to work in different public and private socio-institutional contexts;
  • Foster innovative behavior focusing on the multidimensionality of factors involved in promoting mental health;
  • Enable students to identify and intervene in psychosocial processes whose historical-social markers of difference configure contexts of vulnerability;
  • Deepen knowledge about vulnerabilities that affect mental health and expand the ability of professionals in the field to deal with such issues.


Considering its interdisciplinary character, this Master's degree meets the interest and demand of graduates from different areas, especially: Human and Social Sciences and Health and Technological Sciences, provided that the research proposal presents adherence to the area of expertise and research lines.


Graduates of the master’s degree in Psychology shall be able to:
  • develop teaching, research and intervention activities in the field of Psychology, with reflective and critical capacity;
  • Contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of psychology, supported by ethical guidelines and commitment to the social and to the promotion of quality of life and human dignity;
  • understand the epistemological distinctions and limits of knowledge in Psychology; act in different public and private institutional contexts;
  • promote recognition of favorable and unfavorable conditions for a successful passage through different stages of life cycles;
  • act in an interdisciplinary way, offering solutions to problems arising from other fields of scientific knowledge and that relate to the scope of Psychology, such as issues related to health, society and new technologies. 

Research Lines

Human Development and Mental Health

This research line includes studies in health psychology, at different stages of the life cycle. It addresses human development, considering the different risk and protective factors related to processes of prevention and promotion in mental health.

Vulnerabilities and Psychosocial Processes

This research line includes the study of Social Psychology, emphasizing the different contexts of social vulnerabilities. In this sense, psychosocial aspects are addressed based on different theoretical approaches and interventions in the fields of labor, gender issues, violence, the prison system, school, socio-educational practices and other social markers that permeate the construction of subjectivities.

Coordination Commission

Coordinator: Marcus Levi Lopes Barbosa.
Substitute Coordinator: Eliana Perez Gonçalves de Moura.
Full Faculty Representative: Geraldine Alves dos Santos.
Full Faculty Representative: Sueli Maria Cabral.
Alternate Faculty Representative: Lisiane Machado de Oliveira Menegotto.
Student Representative: Cesar Augusto Kampff.

Self-evaluation Committee

Faculty Representatives: Marcus Levi Lopes Barbosa, Marlene Neves Strey e Rogerio Lessa Horta. 
Student Representatives: Cesar Augusto Kampff (full) e Angélica Francine Frey (alternate). 
Administrative Technician representative: Fernanda Schuwartz
External Representative: Adolfo Pizzinato (UFRGS).

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