Women in Science Symposium debates female representation in scientific careers | Universidade Feevale

Women in Science Symposium debates female representation in scientific careers

18/10/2023 - Atualizado 13h56min

The event is part of the international project funded by the British Council, which brings together British and Brazilian universities

Mulheres na ciência

The 1st Brazil-United Kingdom Symposium on Women in Science took place last week, in Porto Alegre, bringing together researchers and students from different states in Brazil. In the thematic sessions that made up the event, topics such as female representation in scientific areas, gender equality in science, challenges and advances were discussed.

The event is part of the Women in Science project, funded by the British Council, which brings together Brazilian and UK universities: Feevale University, Federal University of Pelotas, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul South (PUCRS), King's College London (KCL), University College London (UCL) and Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU). The activity was attended by British professors Andrea Streit (KCL), Patricia Salinas (UCL) and Patricia Munhoz-Escalona (GCU), who acted as mentors throughout the year in the project.

Guests reinforce commitment to the subject

At the opening ceremony, representatives from the Research and Postgraduate Studies of the four Brazilian universities were present, in addition to the Secretary of Strategic Policies and Programs of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) Márcia Barbosa. Feevale University's research and postgraduate advisor Ana Carolina Kayser addressed the importance of networking with other universities and celebrated the representation of women that is already a reality at her institution.

For secretary Márcia Barbosa, who is also a researcher in the STEM field, spaces like the symposium are essential for us to continue advancing the debate and building an increasingly equitable scientific space. The guest highlighted the importance of public policies that ensure female representation and projects that encourage interest in STEM areas for girls and women.

Project continues with data collection

The Women in Science project began in 2022. In addition to the symposium, this year's initiative includes a survey of data on the presence of women in participating Brazilian universities.

Feevale, PUCRS, UFGRS and UFPEL are working on this survey, identifying where female students are at different levels of education, teaching, research, and leadership positions. The working group intends to analyze this data. More information about the Women in Science project can be accessed at www.pucrs.br/mulheresnaciencia.


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