Academics up to join the event named Mistura, in a study tour in Peru | Universidade Feevale

Academics up to join the event named Mistura, in a study tour in Peru

11/05/2017 - Atualizado 16h07min

The action is considered the largest Latin America's gastronomic event

The International Affairs Office, named DRI, offers a study tour to take place in September from 6th to 10th, about Gastronomy and Tourism in Peru, under the title ‘Mistura 2017’. The group, during five days, will be attending extensive practice and the event ‘Mistura’ as well as fairs, markets, museums, famous districts and the Nacional Agrária University. Students will be accompanied by faculty members Daniel Vicente Bonho, coordinator of gastronomy, Alexandra Marcella Zottis and Roslaine Kovalczuk de Oliveira Garcia, the first as the coordinator and the latest, a faculty member of the course of Tourism of the University Feevale. Registrations can be made online by the university website, until May 14th.


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