Creative industry is characterized by having in creativity and in the intellectual capital its main values. Its interdisciplinary nature demands collaboration processes and cooperation that articulate both creative and management skills. Thus, this industry pursues new concept, products, contends, as well as new opportunities in different types of business which may be more suitable to the contemporaneous world. The areas involved are arts, games, communication, design, audiovisual, computing, technology and other areas based on creativity. It is from the balance of creativity, entrepreneurship and management that an industry grows and that turns cultural products, ideas, concepts, talent and innovation into value, by promoting new ways to those who wish to find out how to create new professional opportunities in a market in which the ability to create and to produce is highly valued.
Concentration area: Creative Industry
The field proposes to investigate, through an interdisciplinary perspective, the conception, constitution, organization and the operationalization of creative industries, in the light of different alternatives of organizational resource arrangements, based on the innovation of processes and products. Grounded on the development of specific competencies, creative industries use creativity and intellectual capital as a primary function in order to meet new types of needs, in terms of service and product supplies that modern society has demanded. Creative Industry comprehends many fields of investigations, such as publicity architectural design, audiovisual, photography, music, games, digital content, radio, television and fashion.
- To investigate and analyze processes underlying the conception, the constitution, the organization and the operation of creative industries;
- To graduate professional who have abilities to manage different areas of creative industries;
- To graduate professional who have abilities to create and to develop products for creative industries such as digital games, audiovisual, applications and technological tools
- To graduate professionals who can realize and evaluate the impacts of creative industries in society;
- To train former students to be in charge of innovative and techno-scientific functions in creative industries.
Target Audience
Graduate students in digital games, Administration, Advertising, Journalism, Human Resources, Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, Photography, Digital Communication, Language, Tourism, Architecture, Computing Science, Information System, and Internet Systems.

A Masters in Creative Industry enables the professional to act:
- on the development of technical-scientific activities in the areas of knowledge concerning the identification of business opportunities for the Creative Industry;
- as a researcher in the process of planning activities focused on creation of the Creative Industry;
- analyzing the context and prospective scenarios of the organizational environment related to the development of Creative Industry activities;
- generating specific skills to meet demand directed to the Creative Industry;
- in the Creative Industry operation regarding organizational processes and routine management;
- in the elaboration of fundraising projects to finance Creative Industry activities;
- in the creation, management and execution of sustainable projects within the economic/cultural logic that characterize the Creative Industry;
- establishing critical debates and reflections on the role, characteristics and movements of the Creative Industry within society;
- articulating projects that could generate dialogue with the public power and other organizations regarding the Creative Industry.
The Professional Master's degree in creative industry was recommended by CAPES, through Official Letter No. 160-19 / 2013 / CTC / CAAIII / CGAA / DAV / CAPES, published in the DOU on 08/08/2013. The first selection process was held in December 2013. The course, in its first editions, has achieved the objective that motivated its conception, which was to meet the potential market demand for professionals with expertise in Creative Industry, and to adapt to new profiles and types of productive arrangements of the region.
Fields of Research
Creative contends
This field investigates products and peculiar expressions of creative industries. It tries to understand how the crossing of science/communication and computing/arts/ information areas create these products, adding innovation, economic value and cultural expressions. It also intends to investigate how these products modify the way of thinking, producing, distributing and managing such businesses that are based on cultural contends, affecting the ways of production, distribution and their consumption. Some examples of products that comprehend creative industries are: audiovisual, literature, comics, animation, games, photography and others, as well as those which come from the intersection of some areas such as, system for online teaching, applications for internet/telephone services, social networking sites and other communicational/technological services.
Management and Innovation
This research line aims to study the practices and management model of the creative industry. Thus, issues related to planning, marketing, innovation, finance and intellectual property involved in the development of the creative industry can be investigated. It also seeks to encourage the design of new ways to organize resources, optimizing their allocation and reaching higher levels of efficiency, in order to provide support for decision-making in relation to the possibilities of innovation with regard to products, processes and management. In addition, this research line may offer relevant elements for public and private managers regarding the review of theoretical-empirical models that guide decision-making and actions underlying the review and consolidation of local productive matrices with a focus on the creative industry.
Coordination committee
Coordinator: Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro.
Substitute coordinator: Vania Gisele Bessi.
Teaching representative: Vanessa
Amalia Dalpizol Valiat
Teaching representative: Mary Sandra Guerra Ashton.
Alternate Faculty Representative: Marta
Rosecler Bez.
Alternate Faculty Representative: Serje
Student representative: Franciele Reche.