Students of the MBA in Accounting and Corporate Governance take a study trip to Peru | Universidade Feevale

Students of the MBA in Accounting and Corporate Governance take a study trip to Peru

11/10/2018 - Atualizado 15h17min

Students of the MBA in Accounting and Corporate Governance of Feevale University take a study trip to the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) in Lima. The group of students with the MBA coordinator, Carla Schilling, and the director of the Human and Social Sciences Institute (ICHS), Marcelo Paveck Ayub, will participate in lectures at PUCP, a partner of Feevale since 2014. They will also have technical visits to Backus companies, leader of the brewing industry in Peru, and Sedapal, a state-owned drinking water service and sewage network in Lima.


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