Feevale formalizes agreement with Spanish university | Universidade Feevale

Feevale formalizes agreement with Spanish university

16/10/2017 - Atualizado 24/10/2017 09h17min

The Partnership aims the development of research and other academic and cultural activities

Feevale University and Malaga University formalized a cooperation agreement, which provides for the development of research and other academic and cultural activities. The Pro-Rector of Innovation, Cleber Prodanov, and the executive manager of Feevale Techpark, Daniela Eckert represented Feevale University and the president of Associação Nacional de Entidades Promotoras de Empreendimentos Inovadores (Anprotec), Jorge Audy, and the vice-rector of Strategic Projects of Malaga University also attended the event.

The purpose of this agreement is to foster the exchange for teachers, researchers and students; the implementation of joint research projects; the promotion of scientific and cultural events; and the exchange of academic information and publications. From now on, the universities, Feevale and Malaga, will develop a joint work program, focusing actions at both institutions.

The activity was part of the Technical Mission Anprotec 2017 that happened in Spain and Turkey last September. The representatives of Feevale University, Cleber Prodanov and Daniela Eckert also visited technology parks, universities and innovation and business centers. "The Spaniards are interested in developing actions with Feevale Techpark and doing business with the companies installed in our park, said Prodanov, who also visited the Andaluzia Technology Park (PTA)

About the mission

The mission, promoted by Associação Nacional de Entidades Promotoras de Empreendimentos Inovadores (Anprotec), was formed by managers of technology parks, accelerators, coworking, high-impact business environments, incubators, development agencies and ministries, state and county secretaries of CT&I, foundations for research support and entrepreneurs linked to technology parks and other innovation environments.

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