A Feevale faculty will be giving a course in Vietnam | Universidade Feevale

A Feevale faculty will be giving a course in Vietnam

26/06/2017 - Atualizado 10h13min

Vlademir Vicente Cantarelli will be four weeks off in the country for a training course on antibiograms

The goal of Vietnam government is to improve the quality of the results of the susceptibility testing for bacterial resistance data to be more reliable and to collaborate with the understanding of its general advancement. So, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) invited professor of Biomedicine of Feevale University, Vlademir Vicente Cantarelli, to promote a practice on microbiology in the Asian country. Throughout the month of July, he is going to be in Ho Chi Min City for the Training Course on Antibiograms.

Since 2010 the professor has been attending events and courses in the country. ‘My expectation is that this workshop results in the formation of a group of experts in the area to be able to disseminate this knowledge to laboratories in other regions of the country. Probably, there will be other opportunities to collaborate with Vietnam in a near future’, he reports. The workshop will be under the area of sensitivity test for microorganisms in order to determine which antibiotics can be used to treat infections caused by certain bacteria. There will be theoretical and practical activities considering the test performance as the quality assurance in results, according to the American Clinical & Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) criteria recommendations.


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